It’s as simple as that. Why should you choose Keywise What separates us from the rest? Hopefully these points will help to make your decision easier.
unbeatable prices,
We take great pride in our work,
Fast response and service,
Honest and Trusted, local family company,
Premium products,
100% Guaranteed,
Peace of mind,
Qualified & Dedicated Professionals,
fully insured,
No Vat and Free call out Fee
When you call us, you can talk to an experienced, locksmith who can offer advice over the phone.
Non Destructive Entry
car or Van Lockouts
Broken key extraction Service
CCTV Systems
Door / window Furniture Fitting
security Lighting
Intruder Alarm systems
Keywise Home Watch Service
Free security checks
Burglary Repairs
Safe sales & Installations
we are a honest company and we take pride in our work and we are proud of our reputation
We offer many services as a company and we always attempt non-destructive entries as we work with the customer to get them inside their property. our many services include,british standard lock upgrades, vehicle entry,unlocking safes,removing broken keys,burglary repairs,installing door chains/viewers.we also offer a full supply and fitting service of intruder alarms, cctv systems,window alarms,exterior shed alarms and pir security lights.
In short Keywise is the company for you if you need any assistance with the overall security of your home, if you are not sure if your locks meet insurance standards or just want to know how secure your home is we also offer a Free no obligation property security check, and we'll leave you a security summary sheet as well